Engineers normally imagine that they are servants to organizations rather than a public guardian. Responsibility to the public is essential for a professional.
Who is a professional?
• Obviously a member of a profession.
What is a profession?
‘JOB’ or ‘OCCUPATION’ that meets the following criteria from which a person earns his living.
• Knowledge – Exercise of skills, knowledge, judgment and discretion requiring extensive formal criteria.
• Organization – special bodies by members of the profession to set standard codes of ethics,
• Public good-The occupation serves some important public good indicated by a code of ethics.
Who is a professional engineer?
• Has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from an accredited school
• Performs engineering work
• Is a registered and licensed Professional Engineer
• Acts in a morally responsible way while practicing engineering
Differing views on Professionals
“Only consulting engineers who are basically independent and have freedom from coercion can be called as professionals.” -Robert L.Whitelaw
“Professionals have to meet the expectations of clients and employers. Professional restraints are to be imposed by only laws and government regulations and not by personal conscience.”
– Samuel Florman
“Engineers are professionals when they 1) attain standards of achievement in education, job performance or creativity in engineering and 2) accept the most basic moral responsibilities to the public as well as employers, clients, colleagues and subordinates.”
– Mike Martin & Roland Schinzinger