Equations Used to Manipulate Torque Relative to Horsepower

Equations Used to Manipulate Torque Relative to Horsepower

 Already we learned that we can get more torque out of a motor by using one of two methods.   In the first method we attach a gear train to the motor, then try different gear sizes until we arrive at the desired torque for the application.   In the second method we eliminate the gear train altogether and simply use a higher horsepower motor to give us the torque we need.     Here we’ll explore the second method.   We’ll use the equation presented in our last blog to determine torque, T, relative to a motor’s horsepower, HP, when the motor operates at a speed, n:T = [HP ÷ n] × 63,025      In earlier topic in this series we employed a gear train attached to an electric motor to power a lathe.   It provided an insufficient 200 inch pounds of torque when 275 is required.   Let’s use the equation and a little algebra to see how much horsepower this motor develops if it turns at a speed of 1750 RPM, a common speed for alternating current (AC) motors:200 inch pounds = [HP ÷ 1750 RPM] × 63,025200 = HP × 36.01HP = 200 ÷ 36.01 = 5.55 horsepower     For the purpose of our example here, let’s say we’ve nonsensically decided not to use a gear train, leaving us with no choice but to replace the underpowered motor with a more powerful one.   So let’s see what size motor we’ll need to provide us with the required horsepower of 275 inch pounds.Title: Gears_electric_motor_torque2 - Description: Electric motor torque equationUsing the torque equation and plugging in numbers already provided our equation becomes:275 inch pounds = [HP ÷1750 RPM] × 63,025275 = HP × 36.01HP = 275 ÷ 36.01 = 7.64 horsepower     This tells us that we need to replace the 5.55 horsepower motor with a 7.65 horsepower motor.     As you might have guessed, the higher the motor’s horsepower, the larger that motor’s size and weight — if you’re not using a gear train, that is.   Bigger, bulkier motors cost more to purchase and operate and also take up more space, which often makes them impractical to use.     All this translates to the reality that sometimes it just makes more sense to use a gear train to provide more torque.   It’s a lot easier and cheaper to attach a gear train to a motor and manipulate its gear sizes to arrive at desired torque than it is to buy a bigger motor. You may have deduced by now that it’s relatively easy to get more torque.   Almost too easy.   Next time we’ll see how increased torque comes at another type of cost, the cost of speed.


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