Effect on Thermal Properties

Effect on Thermal Properties

1. Specific heat of Nanocrystalline materials (Cu, Ru, Pd) are higher than their bulk counterparts.

2. The melting point of nanoparticles decreases dramatically as the particle size gets reduced

3. Thermal conductivity of Nanotubes are more than twice the conductivity of diamonds.

4. Thermal management: Carbon nano tubes (CNTs) have good thermal conductivity properties and can make excellent heat sinks. So, CNTs are used especially in outer coverings of cell phones, other handhelds, and mobile computers.

5. Intelligent clothing : This is clothing that contains built-in electronics, typically sensors that respond to changing environmental conditions. There are many possibilities for types of intelligent clothing of this kind. For example, clothing may change its thermal properties or color in line with atmospheric temperature. There is also a special purpose for such intelligent clothing—one could imagine uniforms that contain sensors that warn military, police, and security personnel when toxins and other dangers are around.


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