The basic mechanical tools you need for your workshop

Cutting Tools

Ordinary scissors, box cutters, and a hacksaw. You can use the hacksaw when the box cutter fails to do its job, otherwise, I would just keep the hacksaw in a safe place away from humans as it can be a hazard if not stored properly .

Grabbing and Clamping Tools

I would suggest you curate a set of different pliers, such as needle-nosed, the kind that cut, as well as the flat stubbed ones. They are some of the most multipurpose and helpful mechanical tools ever. Apart from the pliers if you have one c-clamp like holding device. you should be all set. Bench vices are overkill but are useful to have in some situations. You can always go to the local hardware store if you need one.

Measuring Tools 

This is a very important category, you should ensure that you have at least one proper ruler with visible markings and if possible, get your hands on one of those cool retractable measuring tapes that you see in the hands of your interior decorator every now and then. PS: I got mine from him.

Writing Tools

Obviously, no justification required for these. Get yourself a pen, pencil, sharpie, or whatever you fancy and stick it behind your ear unless you want to lose it!

Hammers and Mallets

Every now and then you might need to scavenge for parts from waste material and break some parts off. This is when hammers and mallets will come handy.

Screwdrivers and Fasteners 

Of course, you will need a good collection of screwdrivers so that you can open all the screws you can find around your house. Household E-waste is extremely useful, learn to hoard it and harvest it for free motors, power electronics, and other such things.

Also, try to curate an assortment of nuts and bolts from all these things that you unscrew. They can be extremely helpful at times.

Zip Ties and Duct Tape 

Notice how I haven’t grouped these two in with the other items? That’s because they are the Gods of hacks and I literally worship these two things. Zip ties and duct tape can literally be used anywhere to fasten and or hold things together temporarily or permanently. You never have to worry about things falling apart if you have zip tied or duct taped them together. These are fool proof methods of putting things together. They are definitely the best ‘Jugaad’ ever.

Duct Tape

Power Tools

These are mechanical tools such as drills, hand cutters, and dremels. They are rarely required and can always be borrowed from your local mechanic. This approach saves you a lot of money as well as space.

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