Question Set 93

Question Set 93

1.Define buckling factor.

Ans: It is the ratio of the equivalent length of column to the minimum radius of gyration.

2.What do you understand by catenary cable ?

Ans: A cable attached to the supports and carrying its own weight.

 3.What is coaxing ?

Ans: It is the process of improving fatigue properties by first under-stressing and then increasing the stress in small increments.

4.What is difference between conjugate beam and continuous beam ?

Ans: A conjugate beam is an imaginary beam of same size as original beam and carrying a distributed load in accordance with the bending moment diagram. A continuous beam is one which is resting on more than two supports.

5.What is isotropic material ?

Ans: It is a material having same elastic constants in all directions.

6.Explain difference between modulus of resilience and modulus of rigidity ?

Ans: Modulus of resilience is the maximum strain energy stored in a material per unit volume and modulus of rigidity is the ratio of shearing stress to the shearing strain within the elastic limit.

7.What is the difference between basic hole and basic shaft ?

Ans: A basic hole is one whose lower deviation is zero and in case of basic shaft the upper deviation is zero.

8.What for pyranometer is used ?

Ans: It is used to measure the total hemispherical solar radiation.

9.Describe transfer machines in brief.

Ans: It is an automatic machine in which workpiece alongwith fixture is transferred from one station to other automatically and several operation on workpiece are performed at each station.

10.What is burnt-out point ?

Ans: It corresponds to maximum heat flux at which transition occurs from nucleate boiling to film boiling.


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